Meaning- Based Literacy
Meaning-based approaches
In contrast, advocates of meaning-based approaches see
reading and writing as a congnitive process through process through which the
reader associates meaning with print. As readers study the print on a page,
they simultaneously try to match their own background knowledge with the ideas
that appears in front of them, “making meaning” in the process. For example, a person who is familiar with
the culture of shopping in a U.S. supermarket will be able to use a store
directory effectively, since she understand that the store will be laid out in
aisles and that noodles, for example, will
most likely be in the pasta section.
On the other hand, someone who has only shopped at a farmer’s market
will find the directory confusing and overwhelming in spite of being able to
read the individual food items. The
directory only makes sense to someone who has the cultural knowledge to
interpret its meaning.
Meaning-based approaches that focus on meaning and context
instead of letters and sounds are based on research in psycholinguistics and
cognitive psychology. They rely on
studies information processing strategies that show that good readers do not
decode every word they read. If they
did, it would take them a very long time to get to the end of page. Rather,
fluent readers check out words quickly(sometimes using phonics as an aid) and
then match what they see on the page to their own knowledge of the world. For example, a reader fluent in English will
realize immediately that, in news story, the sentence, “the firemen pulled the
horse from the fire truck” contains either a typographical error or an absurdity
that deserves special attention.
In effect, rather than reading each word, efficient readers
“predict” what a text might say. As they
read, they continue to confirm their predictions by moving forward and backward
in the text in an effort to make sense out of words and create meaning. Poor
readers, on the other hand, often get stuck on the word level, fail to use
their knowledge of the world, and may continue to apply/reapply various word
attack skills instead of making use of other information in the text.
The theory holds that proficient writers use similar
strategies as they compose a text. They
jot down ideas and then move back and forth, revising and making changes as
their ideas take shape. Good writers
know that writing is an ongoing process that includes brainstorming ideas,
tentatively putting ideas on paper, organizing and revising, and finally
editing, which may lead to additional writing.
While good writers focus on meaning first and only secondarily on form,
poor writers tend to focus on spelling and mechanics and often plunge ahead
with little consideration for how their ideas connect.
Proponents of meaning-based approaches maintain that the
basic processes that are used in reading and writing are essentially the same
for everyone – children, adults, native speakers, and second language learners.
They hold that those new to literacy will learn best if they are taught the
same strategies that proficient readers and writers use.
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