
Showing posts from January, 2012


Jan Brewer is just one a long list of republican’s who just don’t have any respect for the Office of the President of the United States.  All to often one will be lead to believe that is because The President is black. She has said that President Obama has “thin Skin”, but it looks like Jan is the one who has the thin skin.

Meaning- Based Literacy

Meaning-based approaches In contrast, advocates of meaning-based approaches see reading and writing as a congnitive process through process through which the reader associates meaning with print. As readers study the print on a page, they simultaneously try to match their own background knowledge with the ideas that appears in front of them, “making meaning” in the process.  For example, a person who is familiar with the culture of shopping in a U.S. supermarket will be able to use a store directory effectively, since she understand that the store will be laid out in aisles and that noodles, for example, will  most likely be in the pasta section.  On the other hand, someone who has only shopped at a farmer’s market will find the directory confusing and overwhelming in spite of being able to read the individual food items.  The directory only makes sense to someone who has the cultural knowledge to interpret its meaning. Meaning-based approaches that focus on ...

What Works - Literacy

By Michael W. Truitt While some programs are eclectic in their perspective on literacy (e.g., seeking to combine traditional life skills with problem posing), others have a clearly defined literacy framework that guides classroom practice, staff development and assessment. Finally, programs vary in the way they conceptualize learner-centeredness and the degree to which they share control of the program.  In most innovative programs learners are involved in deciding what they wanted to learn and how.  To a much lesser extent, learners help make decision about course goals and assessment. In some participatory programs, learners are involved in the governance of the program itself and help make decisions regarding program direction and program aims.


Literacy Literacy  1. Ability to read and write. 2. Knowledge that relates to a specified subject The level at which functional literacy is set rises as society becomes more complex, and it becomes increasingly difficult for and illiterate person to find work and cope with the other demands of everyday life.

Bain Capital

A Super PAC loyal to Newt Gingrich plans to release a short movie called "King Of Bain", which is said to detail the role that Mitt Romney played when he was running the company.  In the video it states that Mitt was a corporate raider, or in the term used in the video "Corporate Fireman". When your own republican candidates are exposing Mitt Romney's corporate firemen, and venture capital, one could say the GOP has big problems. I have personally known two corporate firemen in my life, one was ruthless, cutting jobs, and downsizing. The other made real efforts to spin off positive assets of the company while trying to save the jobs with the sale off of those assets. Bain Capital cost more jobs than they ever created. Simple facts. Corporate firemen come in all types, some much better than others. Black and Decker was saved by one of these people thirty five years ago, then went on to save a domestic dinnerware mfr in Homer Laughlin China co. makers of...

Closing The Deal

 After a dramatic, confusing night of suspense in the Republican Party's Iowa caucuses, the big winner may well have been a Democrat: Barack Obama.