JT - "Measuring Your Service"

Measuring your customer service allows you to manage it.  Without measuring, you won't have any way of knowing which goals are being met, which are falling short, and which areas you truly excel.
There are some extremely effective techniques you can use to measure the customer service provided by your company:

  • Mystery Shoppers - Hire a mystery shopping company to pose as customers that visit or contact your business and/ or browse your website.  These shoppers see your business as your customers sees it. It is as if your customers were providing you with a report card on your business. This feedback will tell you what is working and what is not working from your customer point of view.  Mystery shopping will also uncover the areas where you need the most improvement, and help you identify the skills your staff needs to exceed customer's expectations, and where you need to do more training.
  • Survey your customers by direct mail - Send out an easy-to-understand questionnaire immediately after the purchase of your product or service.  It should only take one to two minutes to complete the questionnaire and it should come with a postage-paid return envelope.  A simple explanation of how important customer feedback is to your company should accompany the survey.  If possible, provide something free a small thank you for answering your questions. This type of survey can be performed via Telephone or email as well.
  • Electronic survey - This type of survey provides instant, accurate and detailed feedback, and can be specifically designed to a particular product/service or business segment. They are typically given to the customer at the point of sale. The customer can then call a predetermined number or visit a special website to leave their feedback. You can use this instant feedback to change or implement a new product or service.
  • Call Your customers - This type of measure work very well for those in the sales industry.  When was the last time a company called you after you purchased a product or service?  What type of Impression did it leave? Ask your customer what your company can do to improve its service.
Profitability is about determining the needs of your customers and then meeting those needs, not just about increasing sales. If you can't measure your customer service, then you can't manage it.


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