
Showing posts from June, 2011


INTERVIEW GUIDE FOR MID-LEVEL MANAGERS (Division Directors, Staff Directors, Branch Chiefs) 1. What factors, events, forces, reforms, changes in laws and regulations, have occurred in the past year or so, or are occurring, that might affect the work environment in your bureau/RO? (Please describe the nature of each factor: What IS the factor, when did it occur, and what has each entailed?) How about reorganization? . . . When was reorganization/streamlining begun in your work unit?_________ - What changes have occurred in your work unit as part of reorganization/ streamlining? - What is the nature/type of these changes? How about the Strategic Plan? . . . Tell me about its implementation in your division/office. 2. Do any other changes come to mind which have affected the work environment in your work unit? 3. Have you had high performance leadership training ?_ ______ When?_______ Followup training ?_ _______ When?_______________ If YES, plea...


INTERVIEWS AND PRESENTATIONS Blackburn, Thomas D., Ph.D. 1995. Interview by author, 19 January, Lebanon, Illinois. Broglie, William F. 1995. Formal and informal interview series by author, Baltimore, Maryland. Bureau Quality Council (BQC) Chairs meeting minutes. 1995. Baltimore, Maryland. August 23. Childress, Lisa, HCFA Quality Support Team. 1994. Interview by author, 8 December, Baltimore. Cho, Kwansik , Ph.D. 1995. Interview by author, 12 February, Seoul, Korea. Collins, Colonel and Sergeant Teal., U.S. Air Force/Material Command, Electronics Systems Center (1994 Quality Improvement Prototype Award Winner). 1994. Interview by author, 23 September. Cometa , Lindsay. 1993. Formal and informal interview series by author, Baltimore, Maryland. Cometa , Lindsay. 1994. Formal and informal discussions with author, Baltimore, Maryland. Crowley, Stephanie. 1995. Formal and informal discussions with author, Baltimore, Maryland. Davis, Lori. 1995. Informal discussions with author, Boston, MA....


INTERVIEWS AND PRESENTATIONS Blackburn, Thomas D., Ph.D. 1995. Interview by author, 19 January, Lebanon, Illinois. Broglie, William F. 1995. Formal and informal interview series by author, Baltimore, Maryland. Bureau Quality Council (BQC) Chairs meeting minutes. 1995. Baltimore, Maryland. August 23. Childress, Lisa, HCFA Quality Support Team. 1994. Interview by author, 8 December, Baltimore. Cho, Kwansik , Ph.D. 1995. Interview by author, 12 February, Seoul, Korea. Collins, Colonel and Sergeant Teal., U.S. Air Force/Material Command, Electronics Systems Center (1994 Quality Improvement Prototype Award Winner). 1994. Interview by author, 23 September. Cometa , Lindsay. 1993. Formal and informal interview series by author, Baltimore, Maryland. Cometa , Lindsay. 1994. Formal and informal discussions with author, Baltimore, Maryland. Crowley, Stephanie. 1995. Formal and informal discussions with author, Baltimore, Maryland. Davis, Lori. 1995. Informal discussions with author, Boston, MA....


INTERVIEW GUIDE: BUREAU DIRECTORS/REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS   The purpose of the interview is to obtain a profile of the bureau from the Bureau Director's/Regional Administrator's perspective. I also need to know about exogenous factors that affect HCFA's work environment.   1. What factors, events, forces, reforms, changes in laws and regulations, etc. have occurred in the past year or so, or are occurring, that might affect the work environment in your bureau? (Please describe the nature of each factor: What IS the factor, when did it occur, and what has each entailed?) How about reorganization? . . . When was reorganization/streamlining begun in your bureau/RO?______ - What changes have occurred in _________ [bureau/RO] as part of reorganization/ streamlining? - What is the nature/type of these changes? How about the Strategic Plan? . . . Tell me about its implementation in your bureau/RO .   2. Do any other changes come to mind which have affected the...