Blackburn, Thomas D., Ph.D. 1995. Interview by author,

19 January, Lebanon, Illinois.

Broglie, William F. 1995. Formal and informal interview series by author,

Baltimore, Maryland.

Bureau Quality Council (BQC) Chairs meeting minutes. 1995. Baltimore, Maryland.

August 23.

Childress, Lisa, HCFA Quality Support Team. 1994. Interview by author,

8 December, Baltimore.

Cho, Kwansik, Ph.D. 1995. Interview by author, 12 February, Seoul, Korea.

Collins, Colonel and Sergeant Teal., U.S. Air Force/Material Command,

Electronics Systems Center (1994 Quality Improvement Prototype Award

Winner). 1994. Interview by author, 23 September.

Cometa, Lindsay. 1993. Formal and informal interview series by author,

Baltimore, Maryland.

Cometa, Lindsay. 1994. Formal and informal discussions with author,

Baltimore, Maryland.

Crowley, Stephanie. 1995. Formal and informal discussions with author,

Baltimore, Maryland.

Davis, Lori. 1995. Informal discussions with author, Boston, MA.

Department of Energy quality group employee. 1995. Interview

by author, 18 January, Washington, DC.

Devens, Richard, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1994. Interview by author,

29 September, Washington, DC.

Durant, Robert and Laura Wilson-Gentry, University of Baltimore. 1995.

Interview by author, 1 February, Baltimore.

Michael W Truitt, Ph.D., D.B.A


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